Click the Settings button in the About group to open the MultiMaps settings window.
Change configuration paths: you may change the location of the MultiMaps configuration files. For example, you may move them to a cloud storage or network drive to share settings and resources with the computers where you use MultiMaps.
Data Collection group
"me": please enter your name here to allow MultiMaps to use it in the resource:me macro-language operator (see more details about this operator in the Data Collection Macro language section).
Task Topic: select the attributes to identify the topic as a task. This is important for some keywords and macro language operators. It is strongly recommended to leave Progress checked.
Hide buttons group
Resource Roles - hides/displays the Resource Roles button on the MultiMaps ribbon.
My Bookmarks - hides/displays the My Bookmarks functionality on the MultiMaps ribbon.
Common Lists - hides/displays the Common Lists functionality on the MultiMaps ribbon. When hidden, it still remains available in the MindManager task panes. If it is pinned there, then its button remains visible on the task panes bar. If not pinned, click the task panes button on the MindManager status bar (the most bottom-right button in the MindManager window).
When collecting data from the maps located in cloud storages, these maps must be downloaded and opened in the MindManager. This process takes time, sometimes up to 10 seconds on the map.
If you then make changes to the collected data and want to send the changes to the original maps, those maps must be (re)opened in MindManager. In this case, it is better not to close the maps opened in data collection.
If you collect data only for analysis (not going to send the changes), then it is better if open maps will immediately be automatically closed after collecting data.
Keep open after collecting data - leave maps open in MindManager after collecting data.
Close after collecting data - close cloud maps automatically after data collection.
Ask what to do - ask user what to do if one or more cloud maps are found among the collection sources in data collection: keep these maps open or close them after data collection.
See also here.
Export settings & resources: save all MultiMaps data (databases, templates, resources, settings) to a file. For example, to transfer to another device or when reinstalling Windows.
Import settings & resources: import all MultiMaps data (databases, templates, resources, settings) from a file.