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Data Collection Macro language
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You can start using the macro language without learning it, with the Macro language Wizard, which allow you to quickly design the necessary data collection criteria. You then simply copy them into the notes of the topics with the collection criteria.

However, complex, specific, highly flexible collection criteria may still require an in-depth understanding of the data collection macro language. Then check out all of the following.

Attention! The Macro language syntax was changed since MultiMaps v6.1!

In previous versions, MultiMaps used a colon (:), to separate both operators and parameters. This syntax limited the development of the macro language, so now we separate operators with a line feed (>>) and parameters with a colon.

Previously: week:0:complete:100:resource:Coleman

Now: weeks:0 >> complete:100 >> resource:Coleman

We also changed the syntax for some operators. For example:

previously: requirestartdate

now: require:startdate

There are quite a few new operators.

P.S. In the version, the syntax of the date operators has changed. New operators added: sorting collected results, managing resource roles, task costs, resource rate, priority, hyperlinks and attachments. Comparison operators added for all numerical values: ">", ">=", "<", "<=".

If your maps use keywords with macro language operators, be sure to check them against the new syntax!

The data collection engine knows what and how to collect for each data collection keyword, from the code words that are in the topic notes of this keyword in the configuration map.

You can insert macro language codewords into the notes of a topic for which you want to collect data. The data collection engine will "decrypt" them and collect what you want.

The Data Collection Macro Language consists of operators and their parameters.

You may use any number of operators, defining a cascade of filters. MultiMaps will collect a topic if ALL the operators match the given topic in the source map(s).

With this macro language, you can flexibly customize the collection criteria.

Operators are separated by a line feed (each operator is on a new line) or by >> characters. Users separate Parameters with a colon.

When preparing a Template to collect data into it (and processing the Configuration Map), the Data Collection Engine scans all topics and their notes. When it finds operators, it tries to parse them until the end, or until it finds a:

; (semicolon) or

a comment word

Here is a typical example of programming the keyword using notes:

collects tasks that are active today



comment: collects completed tasks from this week with resource Coleman.

The previous block also can be written like:

weeks:0 >> complete:100
The tasks were completed during this week with the resource: Coleman.
(operators are separated by ">>" symbols here)

More examples can be found in the Data Collection Cofiguration Map.

The Data Collection Engine is described here.

To understand how operators work, you need to understand the difference between the standard map topic and the task topic.

A task topic is a topic that has at least one of the attributes specified in the MultiMaps Settings. If none of these attributes are present on the topic it is not a task.

Data Collection Macro Language operators

Dates                     Tasks                    Topic text            Letter case

Resources              Tags                      Icons                 Hyperlinks/Attachments

Topic properties       Sort                       Copy control        Other

Operator Description
Dates ! All operators in this section are mutually exclusive. If more than one is specified, the last one "wins".
If you need to collect across multiple time ranges, define the required ranges in different collection topics.
collects tasks that are active on a given date range.

N is an offset from current (0) day/week/month.

days:0 = today, days:1 = tomorrow, days:-1 = yesterday and so on.
weeks:0 = this week, weeks:1 = next week
months:0 = this month, months:-1 = past month

Comparison Operator are allowed: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
For example, days:<0 - all tasks in the past until today; months:>= 1 - all tasks in the future from the first day of the next month.
the second parameter expands the range of days/weeks/months

days:0:6 = today and the next 6 days

Negative numbers should be enclosed in brackets - no minus sign! Otherwise, there will be a conflict between the minus and the dash signs.

days:(3):(1) = past three days (-3 to -1),
days:(5):5 = past 5 days + next 5 days.

Result: filters tasks that are active in a given range of dates.

Example: keyword Next 3 days (days:0-2) in the config map.
today synonim for day:0
tomorrow synonim for day:1
yesterday synonim for day:-1
Tasks A task topic is a topic that has at least one of the attributes specified in the MultiMaps Settings. If none of these attributes are present on the topic it's not a task topic.


collects task topics

A task topic is a topic that has at least one of the attributes specified in the MultiMaps Settings. If none of these attributes are present on the topic it is not a task.


collects topics that have a project icon


collects topics that have a subproject icon








Collect topics that have:

startdate - start date
duedate - due date
startdateonly - start date only
duedateonly - due date only
anydate - any date or both
bothdates - both dates

nodates - collect topics that don't have dates. Carefully! Almost all topics from your maps can be collected without an additional filter!

For example, use a:
task >> require:nodates to collect tasks that don't have dates.

startdate, duedate
bothdates, anydate

deprecated! do not apply!
Use operators specified above.





! All operators hare are mutually exclusive. If more than one is specified, the last one "wins".

collects topics that have the specified dates in the range. For example, the topic text is This week keyword, and there this operator in the topic notes. In this case, MultiMaps will collect tasks that:

startdate: start this week
duedate: end this week
bothdates: start AND end this week
anydate: either start or end this week. MultiMaps uses this as the default parameter if there is no match operator in the topic notes.


Progress is less than 100% (or no Progress at all), AND Due date is earlier than today.

Example: keyword Overdue in the config map.






collects tasks that have specified task duration.
N, M - numbers of time units (or time range).

duration:hours:4 - collects tasks whose duration is 4 hours
duration:weeks:1 - collects tasks whose duration is 1 week
duration:days:1-3 - collects tasks whose duration is from 1 to 3 days

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
For example, duration:days:>2 - collects tasks whose duration is more than two days.






collects tasks that have specified task effort.
N - number of time units (or time range).

effort:min:15 - collects tasks whose effort is precisely 15 minutes.
effort:min:15-30 - collects tasks whose effort is from 15 to 30 minutes
effort:hours:1-4 - collects tasks whose effort is from 1 to 4 hours
effort:days:1 - collects tasks whose effort is precisely 1 day

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
For example, effort:min:<=30 - collects tasks whose effort is half hour or less.


collects topics with priority N or from N to M

N and M can be from 0 to 9



You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
For example, prority:>2 collects topics with Priority greater than 2.

priority:0 - collect topics without Priority icon. Carefully! Almost all topics from your maps can be collected without an additional filter!

For example, use a construct like this:


to collect tasks for this week that have no Priority.


collects tasks with specified Progress.

complete:50 --- collects tasks with Progress 50%.
complete:0-50 --- collects tasks with Progress from 0 to 50%
complete:0-99 --- collects tasks with Progress 100%

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
For example, complete:<=50 - collects tasks with Progress 50% or less.

complete:-1 - collect topics without Progress. Carefully! Almost all topics from your maps can be collected without an additional filter!

For example, use a construct like this:


to collect tasks for this week that have no Progress.

Note: complete:(1)-99 will collect topics that have Progress less than 100% as well as topics that don't have a Progress icon. (1) represents the value -1 (the rule for the negative number in a range of numbers), which tells that Progress can be -1 (means no Progress icon - see above).




collects topics with specified costs

general - general costs
resources - resources costs
total - total costs

costs:general:15000 - collects topics that have a general costs of 15000
costs:resources:20000-30000 - collects tasks that have a resource costs range from 20000 to 30000

In case the two values are specified (separated by "-") negative numbers should be enclosed in brackets - no minus sign! Otherwise, there will be a conflict between the minus and the dash signs.

costs:total:(30000)-0 - collects tasks that have a total costs from -30000 to 0.

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
costs:total:>=30000 - collects tasks that have a total costs 30000 or over.








Collect task topics that have:

generalcosts - general costs
resourcescosts - resources costs
generalcostsonly - general costs only
resourcescostsonly - resources costs only
anycosts - any costs or both
bothcosts - both costs

nocosts - collect topics that don't have costs. Carefully! Almost all topics from your maps can be collected without an additional filter!

For example, use a:
task >> require:nocosts to collect tasks that don't have costs.
deadline depecated! do not apply!
rollup collects topics when the user enables the Roll-up task info checkbox (in the Task Info pane).
(as soon as possible)
collects tasks with only one date or no dates.

These tasks are called Possibles. The target dates is not precisely defined (since one date or no dates). Therefore, they should be performed either from the start date or before the end date, at any suitable time.

Example: collection topic has a period This week, and topic notes have this operator.

When collecting:
1) a user may have completed the task with only a start date earlier than or within this week. In this case, Multimaps will collect the task;
(2) if a task only has a due date and is later or within the current week, it might need to be collected. Multimaps will collect the task;
(3) if the task has no dates, Multimaps will also collect this task.

The Configuration Map contains the keyword Possible with this operator.
advance collects topics (together with their subtopics) with the icons and .

These icons mean that this is a summary task (should have subtasks), and it has not yet been broken down into subtasks.

This operator collects tasks that starts before given date range or with no dates. It also requires both icons above to be set.

If you use icon for something else, you can replace it. In this case, don't forget to replace it in the Advance keyword in the Data Collection Configuration Map.
Topic text Collect data by criteria based on the topic text


matches topics whose text is the same as the text on the collection topic.

Example: keyword In-Tray (Inbox) in the config map








topictext:text - collects topics whose text is equal to "text"

Also, you can collect topics, whose text

contains - contains TEXT
startswith - starts with TEXT
endswith - ends with TEXT
equals - equals TEXT

topictext:contains:text - collects topics whose text contains "text" ("text", "contextual", "texture",etc.).

An optional wholeword parameter instructs MultiMaps to search the TEXT for a whole word (the word "text" matchs, but words "contextual", "texture", etc. don't match).

topictext:startswith:wholeword:text - collects topics whose text starts with the whole word "text".

Searches are case-insensitive by default. But if you need to consider, add a casesensitive:topictext operator.

topicnotestext: collects topics that contain the specified text in the topic notes. The syntax is exactly as a topictext

topicornotestext: collects topics that contain the specified text in the topic text or the topic notes. The syntax is exactly as a topictext

topicornotestext:contains:text collects topics that contain "text" ("text", "contextual", "texture",etc.) in the topic name or topic notes.
Case sensitivity  







MindManager treats resources, tags, and properties names according to their case. Therefore, resource:Ross and resource:ross represent two different resources. "Done" tag and "done" tag are different tags, etc.

By default, Multimaps does not consider the case when collecting data. If a collection topic contains the resource Ross, then MultiMaps will collect topics with the resource Ross and ross.

This operator makes the following attribute case sensitive:

topictext - topic text and topic notes text
resources - resource name
properties - topic property name and value
tags - tag name and tag group name

For example, suppose the collection topic defines Ross as a resource. In this case, MultiMaps will collect topics with Ross, and ignore topics with ross.

casesensitive:all or casesensitive - makes case sensitive for all the above criteria.

Resource name:


resource:res1[, res2, res3...]


collects topics with specified resources

collects topics with resource "Coleman"

resource:Coleman, Olivia Smith, J.Harris
collects topics with specified resources


collects topics where you are assigned as a resource. Before using this operator, you must define your name in the Data Collection options (MultiMaps Settings on the Ribbon), in the "resource:me" field.

Construction is allowed :
resource:Coleman, me, Olivia Smith

! When searching for, the resource role is ignored. For , Smith has a Provider role and it displays on the topic like PRSmith. This will not stop the data collection engine to find it with the resource:Smithoperator.

Resource role:




resource:hasrole - topics that have a resource(s) with a role are collected.

resource:hasrole:partner - topics that have a resourc(s) with the Partner role are collected.

You can also specify a role prefix: resource:hasrole:@

Resource name & role:




resource:Smith:partner - collects tasks where Smith has a Partner role (display as +Smith on the topic).

resource:me:delegated - collects tasks where I have a Delegated role.

The role must be specified in the role list.

To collect only those resources that do not have a role, specify norole:


collects topics with the resource Smith that has no role (PRSmith, @Smith will be ignored).

Resource name by condition:






Users can set the condition operator as follows:

contains - contains TEXT
startswith - starts with TEXT
endswith - ends with TEXT
equals - equals TEXT

collects topics, that have resource: Davidson or Dawson or Atkinson

! When searching for, the resource role is ignored. For example, Smith has a Provider role and it displays on the topic like PRSmith. This will not stop the data collection engine to find it with the resource:startswith:smitoperator.

resource:startswith:PRSmith construct will look for a resourc PRSmith (role is not ignored).

To collect only those resources that do not have a role, specify a norole parameter:


Resource rate:






Collects topics with resources that have a standard rate in the specified range.

resource:rate:hour:20 - resources will be collected that have a rate of 20 per hour.

resource:rate:day:200-300 - resources will be collected with a rate from 200 to 300 per day.

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
resource:rate:hour>=20 - collects tasks with resources that have a standard rate 20 or over.

For more information about resource rates, see MindManager Help (Manage resources).





all - collects topics that have all the resources present on the collection topic and/or specified by resource operators.

any - collects topics with a resources specified on the collection topic and/or specified by resource operators. Any condition is the default.

yes - collects topics with resources

no - collects task topics without resources
resources deprecated! do not apply! Use resources:yes.
resources_me depecated! do not apply! Use resource:me.
no_resources depecated! do not apply! Use resources:no.

ignoreresource:res1, res2...


MultiMaps will ignore topics with specified resources when collecting data.

MultiMaps will ignore topics with the resource Coleman.

ignoreresource :Coleman, Olivia Smith, J.Harris
MultiMaps will ignore topics with specified resources when collecting data


MultiMaps will ignore topics that have a resource with a name that matches the one you have in MindManager Options (File > Options > User Information > Username).

Note: the ignoreresource operator does not collect anything by itself! It simply ignores topics with resources specified in it's parameters.



all - MultiMaps ignores topics with all parameters specified in the ignoreresource operator.

any - topics that have any of the resources specified in in the ignoreresource operator parameters, are ignored. This operator is used by default.

tag:Group Name:Tag Name

tag:Group Name

tag:tagname:Tag Name




Format with Condition:


collects topics that have the specified tags

Simplified variant: the first parameter is always the tag group name, the second is the tag name:

tag:Contexts collects topics with any tag from the Contexts tag group.

tag:Contexts:calls collects topics with tag calls from the Contexts tag group.

In all other cases, the tag group name operator groupname and the tag name operator tagname must be specified.

tag:tagname:done collects topics with tag done from any tag group.

Operators with condition collect topics whose tag name (tag:tagname) or tag group name (tag:groupname) match condition:

contains - contains TEXT
startswith - starts with TEXT
endswith - ends with TEXT
equals - equals to TEXT

tag:tagname:contains:process - collects topics that have a tag "Processed" or "Processing" or "In process". Tag group (in this case) no matter.

tag:groupname:Stage:tagname:contains:process - collects topics that have a tag that contains text "process" in its name and belongs to the Stage tag group..

To collect topics with several tags:


To be the case-sensitive, use the casesensetive:tags operator (see above).
tags:tagGroup depecated! do not apply! Use tag:tagName





all - collects topics that have all the tags present on the collection topic and/or specified in operators tag.

any - collects topics that have any tag present on the collection topic and/or specified in operators tag. This operator is used by default.

yes - collects topics that have tags.

no - collects topics that have no tags.


Topics that have the specified tag will be ignored (topics will be excluded from the collection).

The syntax of the operator is exactly the same as that of the tag operator (see above).

Multiple operators are possible:


in this case, topics with tags "done" and "control" from the tag group "Phase" and the tag "control" (from any tag group) will be ignored.



all - topics that have all tags specified in the ignoretag operator parameters are ignored.

any - topics that have any of the tags specified in the ignoretag operator parameters, are ignored. This operator is used by default.



all - collects topics with all icons set to template or keyword topic

any - collects topics with any icon set to template or keyword topic. This is the default.



all - topics with all the icons present in the collection topic are ignored.

any - topics with any icon present in the collection topic are ignored.

Important! If ignoreIcons is used, icons on the collection topic are not to collect topics that have these icons, but to ignore topics that have these icons!




















collects topics that have links or attachments with the specified document type

hyperlink:word - link to a Word document

hyperlink:web - link to a web-page

hyperlink:email - link to an email address

hyperlink:cloudmap - link to a map in the cloud storage

attachment:map - collects topics with MindManager map attached

attachment:anyfile - collects topics with any file attached.

hyperlink:anylink - any link on the topic (including links to a web page, folder, email), except for the link to the map topic. The link to the map topic must be explicitly indicated with the hyperlink:topic operator.

hyperlink:anyfile - link to any file (map, document, text file, etc.).
Topics with links to a web page, folder, email and map topic will be ignored

You can also specify the text that should be contained in the file name of the link/attachment (or in the web link).

hyperlink:word:contains:manage- collects topics that have a link to a Word document and have the text "manage" in the filename

hyperlink:web:contains:youtube - collects topics that have a web link to youtube video

Multiple operators allowed:


will collect topics that have any of the specified links or attachments

tolinkswindow - collect topics with links into the Links Window.
Topic properties  







Format with condition(s):


collects topics that have the specified properties

Simplified variant: the first parameter is always the property name, the second is the property value, the third is the property type:

property:City - collects topics that have a Property named "City", property type and value are unimportant.

property:City:Belfast - collects topics that have a Property named "City", the Property value is "Belfast", property type is unimportant.

property:City:Belfast:text - collects topics that have a Property named "City", the Property value is "Belfast", and have a Property type of "Text" or "Multiline Text" or "List".

Property type can be: text (Text, Multiline Text, List), currrency or cur (Currency), number (Number), integer (Integer).

If value is numeric, it can be either a number or a range of numbers, for example:property:Costs:0-2000:cur , collects topics that have property value from 0 up to 2000.

In all other cases, the name, the value and the type operators must be specified.

property:value:Belfast - collects topics that have a value "Belfast", Property name and Property type are unimportant.

property:type:number - collects topics that have a property type Number. Property name and value are unimportant.

Multiple operators allowed:


Topics that have any of the specified Properties will be collected.

You can collect topics that have all the specified Properties. This is done with the properies:all operator. See below.

In case the two values are specified (separated by "-") negative numbers should be enclosed in brackets - no minus sign! Otherwise, there will be a conflict between the minus and the dash signs.

property:Costs:(10000)-0 collects topics that have value of Costs property from -10000 to 0.

You can use follows Comparison Operators: ">", ">=", "<" and "<=".
property:Costs:>10000 - collects topics that have value of Costs property more than 10000.

Operators with condition collect topics whose property name or property value:

contains - contains TEXT
startswith - starts with TEXT
endswith - ends with TEXT
equals - equals TEXT

These operators work with text Properties only.

These operators work only with the Property name or the Property text value

property:name:contains:expen - collects topics that have Property named "Expense" or "Expend" or "Expenditure".

Possible designs:

depecated! do not apply! Use format described above.





all - collects topics that have all the properties present on the collection topic and/or specified in operators property.

any - collects topics that have any property present on the collection topic and/or specified in operators property. This operator is used by default.

yes - collects topics that have properties

no - collects topics that have no properties.


Topics that have the specified Property with the specified value and specified Property type will be ignored (excluded from the collection).

The syntax of the operator is exactly the same as that of the property operator (see above).

Multiple operators allowed:

in this case, the collection will ignore topics with the Property "Costs" and a value from 0 to 10000, as well as with Property "City" and value "Belfast".



all - topics that have all properties specified in the ignoreproperty operator parameters are ignored.
any - topics that have any of the properties specified in the ignoreproperty operator parameters, are ignored. This operator is used by default.
Sorting Sorts tasks according to specified criteria





additional criteria to
sort by resource:




sortby - sort by specified criteria
sortbydesc - sort descending
thenby - then sort by specified criteria
thenbydesc - thensort descending

Criteria: resource, priority, progress, startdate, duedate, project, tag, duration, effort, cost. *

Example: sortby:resource

The data will be sorted by resources (alphabetically)

Example: sortby:resource:thenbydesc:effort

The data will be sorted first by resource, then for each resource by effort in descending order (from highest to lowest).

Additional criteria to sort by resource:

resource0 - ignore the resource role when sorting. For example, there is a PRSmith resource on the topic, i.e. resource Smith, that has the Provider role (PR). When sorting, the PR prefix will be ignored, the resource will be sorted by the letter S.

resource2 - sort by second resource
resource3 - sort by third resource, etc.

N must be between 1 and 9.

resource10 - sort by first resource, ignore resource role.
resource20 - sort by second resource, ignore resource role.

For example, there are resources on the topic: >Ross, Coleman.

means that Ross delegated (symbol ">" is a Delegated role prefix) task to Coleman.

You want to collect tasks that Ross has delegated to others, and have the collected results sorted by the resources that Ross has delegated tasks to (this is always the second resource on the topic). Then your code is:

resource:Росс:delegated // collect tasks where Ross has a Delegated role
sortby:resource2 // sort them by the second resource
Copy control Operators that define how data is copied to the collection map




branch: copies the whole branch of matched topic

branch:subtopicsonly: all subtopics of the found topic are copied without the topic itself

branch:hassubtopics: if the parent topic has subtopics, this branch is copied to collection map. If there are no subtopics, the branch will not be copied
subtopicsonly depecated! do not apply! Use branch:subtopicsonly
hassubtopics depecated! do not apply! Use branch:hassubtopics
centraltopictext adds a topic with the text of Central topic of the source map (usually Project name). Added topic gets a hyperlink to Central topic of corresponding map
maintopictext adds a topic with the text from Main topic of the matched topic's branch. Added topic gets a hyperlink to corresponding Main topic.



after the data collection is completed, from the branch of the collection topic with this operator will be removed all subtopics, which duplicates are present somewhere else in the whole map

fd_map: synonim for filterdoubles_map



after the data collection is completed, from the branch of the collection topic with this operator will be removed all subtopics, which duplicates are present in the parent topic branch

fd_branch: synonim for filterdoubles_branch
Other operators  


ignore date filters

Example: You want to collect topics that have a question icon, regardless of whether or not they fall under the filter set by the previous keyword (for example, This week). This operator will do it.

It is used in the configuration map in many keywords with icons.


collects topics matched by previous filters


collects topics with formulas


collects topics that have a Project or Subproject icon and no topics with a Progress icon in their whole branch (no open tasks).

This means the project has not yet been launched (there are no tasks).

By combining macro language operators, you can create a new collection criteria.

Create a topic with appropriate keyword/phrase and place the necessary operators in its notes, for example:

Possible keyword/phrase Operators What will be collected
My tasks for today today
my tasks (resource:me) for today
Oversee the programmers overdue
overdue tasks under the responsibility of Coleman, Smith, and Raskin
My quick tasks day:0
I have half an hour, and I want to see my tasks (resource:me) for today (day: 0) which performance takes** from 5 to 30 minutes (effort:min:5-30)

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