This MultiMaps distribution comes with seven predefined Data collection Templates.
You may use them as-is or may modify them to fit your specific requirements. To do that, open the Manage Templates dialog (click Manage Collection Templates in the Collection Templates button dropdown menu) . Choose the required template and click the "pencil" button. Template map is opened, edit it and save it.
This template acts as a very basic KANBAN board.
It ideally fits personal/family goals, when tasks are not too complicated and there's no need to decompose them, delegate, etc.
More information is on the topic How it works within the template.
This is a more advanced KANBAN template board that is more suitable for natural task management in a company and with employees.
More information is on the topic How it works within the template.
This template is intended for daily planning that users can run each morning. It gathers:
- overdue tasks, i.e., tasks that end before today but are still not completed (Progress is set and is less than 100%);
- tasks that are active today ("today" belongs to the date range specified on a topic); *
- tasks that are due tomorrow (Due date is tomorrow);
- today's deadlines;
- projects/subprojects/activities that a user needs to break down into next actions; **
- incoming items (topics from In-Tray branch, if you have such branch in your maps). ***
This template monitors this week's tasks. The following will be collected:
- overdue tasks, i.e., tasks that end before today but still not completed (Progress is set and is less than 100%);
- this week's active tasks;
- this week's deadlines;
- projects/subprojects/activities without next actions; **
- incoming items (topics from In-Tray branch, if you have such branch in your maps). ***
This template helps plan tasks for the next week, so we recommend using it at the end of the week. The following will be collected:
- tasks planned for the next week;
- projects/subprojects/activities without next actions; **
- incoming items (topics from In-Tray branch, if it exists in your maps). ***
This template monitors resources (employees/individuals assigned to tasks). Collects:
- overdue tasks that have resources assigned;
- this week's tasks have resources assigned;
- tasks without resources.
Use the resource assign keyword to mark tasks that need to be assigned/delegated to somebody. You may use any resource on the template. Just open the template in MindManager (see above), change the resource (rename it) and save the template.
A template that demonstrates how you may collect topics marked with icons or tags. If you do not need it, you can remove it by clicking the top part of the Templates button, selecting the template in the drop-down list at the top of the dialogue, and clicking Delete.
* Within MindManager (and in some Add-Ins that act with dates), the tasks expected to match a period should either have Start date or Due date set with this period. A search will miss some tasks that would logically match the period. For example, if you have a task that starts on October 4 and ends on October 12, then this task is active daily. If we want to find all tasks active today, October 8, you would expect the task to match, but MindManager cannot see this task because neither its start date nor its due date contains today’s date. MultiMaps can find these tasks, because MultiMaps works with dates in a more sophisticated way.
** When we create a project (a project consists of several tasks/actions), we first make a topic (E.g., Prepare a corporate meeting) and set dates for the period when we will do it. We then need to break it down into concrete tasks/actions. There may be many such tasks/actions, and we cannot determine some of them now due to lack of information, but there will come a time when the tasks/next steps need to be defined. Therefore, it is essential to collect topics that need to be broken down into the next tasks/actions when reviewing the project.
With MultiMaps, it is possible to mark a Project parent topic with an icon. The Data Collection Engine will treat such topics as needing further investigation. You can change the icon in the Data Collection Configuration Map. Locate the Advance topic and replace the
icon with your own, and then save Configuration Map.
*** The complete In-Tray branch from each map copied. It is best to clean up this branch daily as it quickly gets out of control.
Ideally, Project maps should have an In-Tray branch. If you are working and get an idea for one of your projects, get a phone call related to a project, or come up with a new task, you can add further information into the In-Tray of the project with minimal interruption. When you have time or focus on that project, you can process the In-Tray topics.