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As you know, tags are usually organized into groups. For example, there can be a tag group named Contexts, or Categories, etc.

You can collect topics under a branch by placing any tag from a group or an individual tag onto the topic.

To collect data using a required tag, just add this tag to a topic and click Collect data:

Collecting data by tag group also is not complicated. First, there are predefined keywords for groups Contexts and Categories, so you can type Categories on a collection topic and click Collect data to collect all topics containing any tag from the Categories group.

What if you have your own tag group? Not a problem. Add its name into the configuration map in the same way as Contexts and Categories (find them in the configuration map and you'll see how to do this). So, you may have keywords for all your tag groups.

Adding a concrete tag is not so easy. You need to remember both its name and its group. You can also find it on another map and copy it, but it is not convenient. There are two alternative ways to make this easier:

1) Add all your tags into the Common Lists. Just open the Common Lists and add the tag from there when needed.

2) Create a topic in the Configuration Map, in keywords branch, name it with the tag name, and set required tag to it. Now you have a keyword that collects topics with this tag.

Click Open Demo map on MultiMaps ribbon, then choose the template Icons and Tags (click it) to see how you can setup tags.

Topic tags in MindManager are case sensitive. That is, tag Costs and tag costs are different tags! By default, data collection by tags is not case sensitive, and initiating a search will find topics with the Costs tag and the costs tag. But if you want it to be case sensitive, use the casesensitive macro language operator on the topic notes with this criterion.

Click the Demo command in the drop-down menu of the Collect Data button.

The demo map will open.

In the drop-down menu of the Collect Data button, click the Icons and Tags template - you will see how you can work with tags.

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